Go to learn! Parts of the body, pronunciation and significant:
Head (jed): cabeza.
Head (jed): cabeza.
Neck (nek): cuello.
Hair (her): pelo.
Hair (her): pelo.
Face (feis): cara.
Forehead (forjed): frente.
Forehead (forjed): frente.
Eye (ei): ojo.
Nose (nous): nariz.
Nose (nous): nariz.
Cheek (chik): mejilla.
Mouth (mauz): boca.
Mouth (mauz): boca.
Armpit (armpit): axila.
Breast (brest): pecho.
Breast (brest): pecho.
Thorax (zaorax): tórax.
Shoulder (shoulder): hombro.
Shoulder (shoulder): hombro.
Navel (neivol): Ombligo.
Abdomen (abdomen): abdomen.
Abdomen (abdomen): abdomen.
Back (bak): Espalda.
Arm (arm): brazo.
Arm (arm): brazo.
Elbow (elbou): codo.
Forearm (forarm): antebrazo.
Forearm (forarm): antebrazo.
Wrist (rist): muñeca.
Hand (jand): mano.
Hand (jand): mano.
Hip (jip): cadera.
Waist (ueist): cintura.
Waist (ueist): cintura.
Knee (ni): rodilla.
Ankle (ankol): tobillo.
Ankle (ankol): tobillo.
Foot (fut): pie.
Toe (tou): dedo del pie.
Heat problem, pronunciation and significant:
Backache (bac – eich): dolor de espalda.
Headache (jer – eich): dolor de cabeza.
Earache (iar – eich): dolor de oído.
Stomachache (stomeich): dolor de estomago.
Toothache (tueich): dolor de muela.
Cold (kol): resfriado.
Cough (coff): tos.
Fever (fiver): fiebre.
The flu (flu): gripe.
Sore eyes (sor – ies): ardor en los ojos.
Sore trota (sor - trou): dolor de garganta.
“In our class of English know the parts of the body and heat problems, with the presentation of work.
These are the photos:
Toe (tou): dedo del pie.
Heat problem, pronunciation and significant:
Backache (bac – eich): dolor de espalda.
Headache (jer – eich): dolor de cabeza.
Earache (iar – eich): dolor de oído.
Stomachache (stomeich): dolor de estomago.
Toothache (tueich): dolor de muela.
Cold (kol): resfriado.
Cough (coff): tos.
Fever (fiver): fiebre.
The flu (flu): gripe.
Sore eyes (sor – ies): ardor en los ojos.
Sore trota (sor - trou): dolor de garganta.
“In our class of English know the parts of the body and heat problems, with the presentation of work.
These are the photos:
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