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domingo, 15 de abril de 2007

Parts of the body:

Go to learn! Parts of the body, pronunciation and significant:

Head (jed): cabeza.
Neck (nek): cuello.
Hair (her): pelo.
Face (feis): cara.
Forehead (forjed): frente.
Eye (ei): ojo.
Nose (nous): nariz.
Cheek (chik): mejilla.
Mouth (mauz): boca.
Armpit (armpit): axila.
Breast (brest): pecho.
Thorax (zaorax): tórax.
Shoulder (shoulder): hombro.
Navel (neivol): Ombligo.
Abdomen (abdomen): abdomen.
Back (bak): Espalda.
Arm (arm): brazo.
Elbow (elbou): codo.
Forearm (forarm): antebrazo.
Wrist (rist): muñeca.
Hand (jand): mano.
Hip (jip): cadera.
Waist (ueist): cintura.
Knee (ni): rodilla.
Ankle (ankol): tobillo.
Foot (fut): pie.
Toe (tou): dedo del pie.

Heat problem, pronunciation and significant:

Backache (bac – eich): dolor de espalda.
Headache (jer – eich): dolor de cabeza.
Earache (iar – eich): dolor de oído.
Stomachache (stomeich): dolor de estomago.
Toothache (tueich): dolor de muela.
Cold (kol): resfriado.
Cough (coff): tos.
Fever (fiver): fiebre.
The flu
(flu): gripe.
Sore eyes (sor – ies): ardor en los ojos.
Sore trota (sor - trou): dolor de garganta.

“In our class of English know the parts of the body and heat problems, with the presentation of work.

These are the photos:

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Robiee Williams!!

Robiee Williams!!


Born:Feb 13, 1974 in Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. Out of all the members of Take That, Robbie Williams never really seemed to fit in. Roguishly handsome where his bandmates were merely cute, Williams was tougher and sexier than the rest, which made him more distinctive. He also fought regularly with the other members and their management, primarily because he was occasionally adverse to being so heavily packaged. So it didn't come as a surprise that he was the first to leave the band, departing early in the summer of 1995 to pursue a solo career (by some accounts, he was fired from the group). Although he was the first out of the gate, it took Williams awhile to get started. For most of 1995, he attempted to boost his credibility by tagging along with Oasis, hoping that Noel Gallagher would give him a couple of songs. He never did, but all of his time with Oasis launched Williams into a world of heavy partying, drinking, and drugging. Over the course of 1996, he was only heard from in gossip columns, and every published picture indicated he had put on considerable weight. Occasionally, he was quoted as saying his new music would abandon lightweight dance-pop for traditional Brit-pop, but his first single was a cover of George Michael's "Freedom '90." Released late in 1996, the single was a disaster, but his second single, 1997's "Old Before I Die," was more in the vein of his early pronouncements, featuring a distinct Oasis influence.